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Testshop Nünemann Softwareentwicklung

Kitchen tap(after)

Ready for shipping
349,00 €
incl. tax, plus shipping

You see the variant article after editing (creation of all images and properties):

If necessary, open a second browser window to see the differences.

öffne Artikel vorher

After (active)Before

Main picture father Freigestelltes Bild

Main picture variant: Cropped picture of the variant

Main picture father Freigestelltes Bild
Picture 2: Image of the variantMilieu (Lifestyle)  ISO AnsichtPicture 2: n.a.
Picture 3: Image of the variant side view Picture 3: n.a.

Note: This is a sample item  in a test shop - the item cannot be ordered!

Product number: k1_nachher